
Flash report #23

Our flash report is presented by Andrew Nikolaev, Key Expert on Personal Data Protection. To mark International Personal Data Protection Day, the EU4DigitalUA project and...

Flash report #35

Our second flash report in 2024 is presented by Kateryna Oniliogwu, Component 3 Leader, Communication and Public Awareness. During the last three months, we successfully...

Flash report #30

Our September flash report is presented by Oleksandr Ryzhenko, Component 2 Leader, Institutional strengthening and capacity development component of the EU4DigitalUA project. Autumn brings its...

Flash report #29

Our August flash report is presented by Denys Pryharin, EU4DigitalUA Cybersecurity Component Leader. In this newsletter, you will learn more about updating the Trembita system...

Flash report #28

Presents María Gastón Betrán, FIIAPP Technical Institutional Coordinator of EU4DigitalUA. We, in cooperation with SSSCIP, organised a cybersecurity exercise in Lviv on responding to ransomware...

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