

Flash report #35
Our second flash report in 2024 is presented by Kateryna Oniliogwu, Component 3 Leader, Communication and Public Awareness. During the last three months, we successfully helped to launch and promote the e-Entrepreneur service on the Diia portal, simplifying the process...
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Flash report #30
Our September flash report is presented by Oleksandr Ryzhenko, Component 2 Leader, Institutional strengthening and capacity development component of the EU4DigitalUA project. Autumn brings its fruits, just as the work within our project does. With the start of the new...
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Flash report #29
Our August flash report is presented by Denys Pryharin, EU4DigitalUA Cybersecurity Component Leader. In this newsletter, you will learn more about updating the Trembita system and its catalogue development, as well as EU4DigitalUA's progress in other areas, including adapting legislation...
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Flash report #28
Presents María Gastón Betrán, FIIAPP Technical Institutional Coordinator of EU4DigitalUA. We, in cooperation with SSSCIP, organised a cybersecurity exercise in Lviv on responding to ransomware attacks. Also, with our support, the Memoranda of Understanding between SSSCIP and Spanish institutions were...
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Data Protection Conference
EU4DigitalUA organised International Data Protection Conference held in Warsaw in March 2023..
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Equipment for SSSCIP
EU4DigitalUA Provides Cutting-Edge Equipment to the State Service for Special Communication and Information Protection of Ukraine (SSSCIP) to bolster Ukraine's National Telecommunication Network.
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