
EU4DigitalUA has completed the update of the Paperless website

EU4DigitalUA has finished the development of the Paperless.Support website, designed to inform about digital government services, and handed over the software to the Ministry of Digital Transformation. Work on its development was carried out within the third component of the project.

The purpose of the Paperless site is to conveniently and effectively inform individuals and legal entities during the implementation of the paperless regime. The site informs how to use digital documents and quickly receive administrative services online – from authorization in the Diia application to obtaining an electronic signature. As soon as new electronic services are launched, instructions for using them will be available on the Paperless.Support website.

The updated website has new modules, such as “Life Situations”, where users can find information about digital government services related to a specific life event (for example, childbirth or government payments) and the module “Who accepts Diia digital copy”, where you can find out which governmental and commercial institutions accept Diia.

It’s become a lot easier to find what you need on Paperless.Support with advanced search and navigation features, as well as a new sorting feature.

Due to the adapted version for people with special needs, the site has become more user-friendly for people with visual, hearing, musculoskeletal, speech, mental, and various combinations of disorders.

Paperless is a regime without papers. The government does not require paper documents, references or certificates, because all services are available online, and digital documents are available on a smartphone.

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