
NIP system development: the technical task has been completed

The EU4DigitalUA project has completed the development of the technical task for the Unified Information Accounting System of the National Informatization Program (NIP).

The following items has been developed: requirements for the interface, functional modules of the future information system, such as users identification and log in, submission of proposals and approval of NIP projects, reporting and execution of NIP tasks, user account (customer, expert, expert examination organizer), subsystem of executors’ expertise of informatization projects and others.

The future system will help to form a list of NIP tasks for the next three years and an informatisation program for the next budget year with the determination of funding sources, form preliminary expert opinions as well as a list of projects for consideration by the Scientific and Technical Council from the National Informatization Program.

The Unified Accounting Information System of the National Informatization Program is designed to automate the informatization projects processing (acceptance, accounting etc.) and storage of programs, tasks, projects, works of the National Informatization Program, and related materials.

In August, EU4DigitalUA began cooperation with the company Softlist LLC to develop the Unified Information System of Accounting for the National Informatization Program.

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