The Coordination Council of the “Informatics NewG” project, which includes representatives of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, experts in the field of digital technologies and experts from EU4DigitalUA, considered 405 applications from educational institutions to participate in the pilot of Informatics subject update.
Among all applications, 50 institutions of general secondary education were selected to participate in the pilot project. Thus, in the 2022-2023 academic year, updated Informatics will be implemented by 14 institutions in villages, 13 in regional centers, another 17 will join in the cities and 6 in the capital. The selected institutions also differ in the number of students: from small ones with up to 200 students to large ones with more than 1,000 students. The full list of institutions selected for the pilot can be found here.
“During the last two decades, the rapid development of technology and information has changed our lives,” says María Gastón Betrán, Technical Institutional Coordinator of EU4DigitalUA. “Students who graduate from institutions of general secondary education should have a high-quality Informatics base necessary for further success, which will be possible also due to the updated course on this subject. To achieve this goal, the “Informatics NewG” project involves the best Ukrainian and European IT experts to create high-quality course content for students from the 1st to the 11th grade.“
The piloting of new content and resources for the Informatics subject will begin on September 1, 2022. Before the beginning of each academic term, webinars and trainings will be held for Informatics teachers of pilot institutions. The effectiveness of new resources will be constantly analyzed and the feedback will be given. Upon improvement, the developed resources will be scaled to all general secondary education institutions on September 1, 2023 and will be available on the All-Ukrainian Online School platform.
Background information:
The “Informatics NewG ” project was created as part of the IT education reform at the initiative of The Ministry of Digital Transformation and The Ministry of Education and Science. It is implemented by the EU4DigitalUA program under the second component “Institutional strengthening and capacity development ” (FIIAPP) and is financed by the European Union.
EU4DigitalUA is part of the European Union’s support to Ukraine and continues the work of the EGOV4UKRAINE project, implemented in 2016-2021 within the U-LEAD with Europe Programme. With a budget of EUR 20.5 million, EU4DigitalUA is focused on the further development of digital government infrastructure, public e-services, cyber security and data protection. The project is funded by the European Union and jointly implemented by the e-Governance Academy (eGA, Estonia) and the International and Ibero-American Foundation for Administration and Public Policies (FIIAPP, Spain).
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