Development of SMEREKA e-case management system

Within the framework of the DT4UA project funded by the European Union, the e-Governance Academy (Estonia) has announced a tender for the development of modules of the SMEREKA investigation, escalation, control and analysis management system for the Prosecutor General Office of Ukraine. 

The SMEREKA Investigation, Escalation, Control and Analysis Management System is to be integrated into the information environment of the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine, gradually minimising the circulation of paper documents in criminal proceedings. SMEREKA aims at improving coordination and efficiency of both individual employees and specialised teams, enhancing analysis of criminal proceedings (including through the use of artificial intelligence), as well as improving procedural guidance in pre-trial investigations and standardising procedural documents. 

The tender will require the development of the following modules (10 modules are envisaged in the concept) of the SMEREKA system: 

  1.  System-forming – to ensure administration, internal and external integration, and reliable data storage.
  2. Creation of electronic criminal proceedings – to ensure the formation and maintenance of electronic criminal cases.
  3. Analysis of criminal proceedings materials – to visualise information objects of electronic criminal cases in the form of graphs, tables, map images, identification and display of their links with other information objects of the electronic criminal case file. 

The tender application deadline is 26 February 2024. Detailed terms and conditions of participation and technical requirements are available on the Estonian public procurement portal:

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