
Trembita.gov.ua – report for Q4 2022

Despite the war, Trembita is running and has already processed more than 1.8bn transactions

The EU4DigitalUA project presents its fourth quarterly report after the war outbreak concerning the operations of the Trembita system of electronic interaction between public electronic information resources of Ukraine (trembita.gov.ua). In Q4 of 2022, the Trembita system processed over 231 million transactions, totaling over 1.8 billion transactions since its launch.

The Trembita system enables Ukrainian public bodies and local self-government bodies to establish safe information interactions via the Internet by exchanging electronic messages between their information systems. Since the start of the war, the EU4DigitalUA project – supported by the EU, has been contributing to a better protection of Trembita and the Ukrkainian public registers operating in this system. The participants of Trembita are 185 public governance bodies and local self-government bodies. 79 electronic information resources (EIRs) are connected to the system now, which means a fourfold increase in their number in the 4th quarter.

The motto and essence of Trembita: “It is the data that shall run around, not people!

The system allows to transfer data from different public registers for citizens to obtain required public services. Trembita is based on the improved Estonian X-ROAD data exchange platform, which is the cornerstone of the digital society in Estonia and was adjusted to the needs of Ukraine with the assistance of the EU projects EGOV4UKRAINE (2016-2021) and EU4DigitalUA (2020-2024).

Electronic interaction — a process of data exchange between two electronic information resources via the software of recipients (web customers) and senders (web services)A transaction in the Trembita system poses a complete cycle that includes sending an electronic request message from a web customer to a web service, its processing by the respective web service, delivery of an electronic response message from the web services and its further processing by the web customer.

The EU4DigitalUA project has identified 16 indicators for the monitoring of the current condition of the Trembita system and the EIRs connected to it:

No.№IndicatorIndicator’s value as of 31 Dec. 2021Indicator’s value as of 31 Mar. 2022Indicator’s value as of 30 June 2022Indicator’s value as of 30 Sep. 2022Indicator’s value as of 31 Dec. 2022
1Number of public governance bodies, local self-government bodies, companies that signed the agreement to get connected to the Trembita system170172174181185
2Number of Trembita participants167169165173177
3Total number of EIRs connected to Trembita6770727579
4Number of EIRs with published web services4948515862
5Share of EIRs with published web services73%69%71%77%78%
6Number of EIRs with active web services3943324143
7Share of EIRs with active web services58%61%44%55%54%
8Number of EIRs with established electronic information interactions5253534653
9Share of EIRs with established electronic information interactions78%76%74%61%66%
10Number of EIRs with active electronic interactions4350394550
11Share of EIRs with active electronic interactions64%71%54%60%63%
12Total number of web services published in Trembita277329349458476
13Number of active web services  12213392123150
14Number of active electronic interactions between EIRs in Trembita228248131192233
15Number of transactions in Trembita in last quarter777,365,685298,148,432159,481,204135,694,301231,465,591
16Number of transactions in Trembita since the start of full-fledged operations1,012,602,5671,310,750,9991,470,232,2031,605,926,5041,837,392,095

Top 5 most popular web services

  1. State register of individuals-taxpayers – 122,709,997 requests
  2. State registers of civil status acts for citizens – 39,053,627 requests
  3. Automated enforcement system – 19,215,549 requests
  4. Single state web portal for electronic services “Diia Portal” – 16,732,534 requests
  5. Register of insured citizens of the State Register for Mandatory State Social Insurance – 11,972,217 requests

Top 5 most frequent interactions with Diia

  1. DRFO (State register of individuals-taxpayers) – over 115 million interactions
  2. DRACS (State registers of civil status acts for citizens) – over 36 million interactions
  3. ASVP (Automated enforcement system) – over 14 million interactions
  4. RZO (Register of insured citizens of the State Register for Mandatory State Social Insurance) – over 11 million interactions
  5. ESOZ (Electronic healthcare system) – over 9 million interactions

Analysis data show that besides Diia interactions are also established between other EIRs, with most interactions taking place between the following resources:

State register of civil status acts for citizens Information and analytical platform for electronic verification and monitoring: over 8.9 million transactions. This interaction serves data exchange concerning certificates and public entries for the monitoring of payments and benefits to citizens.

Electronic register of sickleave certificatesElectronic healthcare system: over 8.3 million transactions. This interaction enables the implementation of the electronic service “Electronic sick-leave certificates”.

Automated enforcement system Information and analytical platform for electronic verification and monitoring: over 4.4 million transactions. This interaction implements data exchange on enforcement orders for the monitoring of payments and benefits to citizens.

Register of insured citizens of the State Register for Mandatory State Social Insurance State register of individualstaxpayers: over 3.2 million transactions. This interaction enables the check of individuals’ registration data that are processed by the Register of insured citizens.

Analysis of the connection of key registers to the Trembita system

No.ParticipantRegister (NREIR)Trembita’s sub-systemWeb service availabilityActive web services availableInteractions availableActive interactions available
 State Service for Geodesy,  Cartography and CadastreState Land Cadastre_____
 Ministry of Justice of UkraineState register of civil status acts for citizens+++  ++  
 Central Election CommitteeState register of voters+++++
 Pension Fund of UkraineState register for mandatory state social insurance+++  ++
 Ministry of Justice of UkraineState register of of encumbrances on movable property++___
 Ministry of Justice of UkraineState register of material rights to immovable property+++++  
 State Tax Service of UkraineState register of individuals-taxpayers+++  ++
 National Health Service of UkraineElectronic healthcare system  +++  ++  
 Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine  Single state electronic database on education+++++
 Ministry of Internal Affairs of UkraineSingle information system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine+++  ++  
 Ministry of Social Policy of UkraineSingle state automated register of individuals entitled to state benefits+++  ++  
 State Migration Service of UkraineSingle state demographic register+++  ++
 Ministry of Internal Affairs of UkraineSingle state register of vehicles+**+___
 State Court Administration of UkraineSingle state register of court rulings+++  ++  
 Ministry of Justice of UkraineSingle state register of legal entities, private entrepreneurs and civil associations+++  ++  
 Ministry of Justice of UkraineSingle register of powers of attorney  +++__
 Ministry for Communities and Territories Development of UkraineSingle state electronic system for construction+++  ++
 State Property Fund of UkraineSingle register of state property objects_*____
 State Tax Service of UkraineRegister of VAT payers_____
 Ministry of Veterans Affairs of UkraineSingle state register of war veterans+++++
 Pension Fund of UkraineElectronic register of sick-leave certificates+++  ++

* – connected to the testing environment of the Trembita platform.

** – serves as an information resources of the EIS of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The analysis of the List of the Priority State Electronic Information Resources for the Implementation of Electronic Interaction mentioned in the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 606 of 8 September 2016 “On Certain Issues Concerning Electronic Interaction Between Electronic Information Resources” reveals the following data concerning the 21 registers:

– 18 registers are connected to the operations environment of the Trembita platform, the Single Register of State Property Objects is connected to the testing environment, the State Land Cadastre and the Register of VAT Payers are not connected yet;

–  almost all connected registers have active web services;

– all connected registers have electronic information interactions. The only exceptions are the State Register of Encumbrances on Movable Property, the Single Register of Powers of Attorney and the Single Register of Vehicles.

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