Deadline: 10.08.2022
Estonia’s e-Governance Academy, within the EU4DigitalUA project funded by the European Union, announced a tender for the procurement of services for the development of the INSPIRE-based external interaction module of the Unified State Register of Addresses. INSPIRE means “Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe” and was introduced by the European Directive 2007/2/EC.
Inspired by the pace of Ukraine’s digital transformation, strengthening of state cybersecurity and data protection, implementation of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU, and the development of broadband, the EU4DigitalUA project supports the development of the external interaction module (API) of the Unified State Register of Addresses based on INSPIRE. The API will facilitate obtaining information about address objects by identifier and other characteristics, as well as searching for address objects. Data from the Register for interaction will be provided in the formats defined in the INSPIRE specifications, with the aim to take into account the Directive 2007/2/EC of 14 March 2007 and include Ukraine in the European information space.
Thanks to the new module, it will be possible to obtain information about any Address Register object by global identifier. It will also be possible to check objects that have been added or changed over a certain period and by the specified administrative territory with or without a list of object types.
Applications for participation in the tender are accepted until 10 August 2022. More information in Ukrainian and English can be obtained on the public procurement portal of Estonia:
Deadline: 30.09.2022