Platform for hosting tools for developing and testing electronic services

Deadline: 30.09.2022

Within the EU4DigitalUA project funded by the European Union, the e-Governance Academy (Estonia) announced a tender until 30 September 2022 to create a platform for hosting the tools for developing and testing electronic services.

Acting in accordance with priority 2.1. “Development of Administrative Service and Their Digitalisation” of the Action Programme of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 471 of 12 June 2020), the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine initiates the creation of the Platform for hosting the tools for developing and testing electronic services aiming to build up an environment enabling public institutions, companies and citizens to exchange and to recurrently use IT solutions and top-notch experience as well as to foster communication and cooperation with IT projects from all over the country.

The goals of the Platform development are as follows:
• Help e-government professionals exchange their experience;
• Enable a comfortable search, selection, re-use of the tool kit for the development of e-services;
• Implement solutions for the compatibility/security testing of IT systems and services (test bed).

The users of the Platform are state institutions, private companies and civil organisations engaged in the processes of developing, implementing and using public electronic services. The automation objects are the Ministry of Digital Transformation and the State Enterprise DIIA. Subject to automation are administrative and organisational processes related to the publication and use of tools for the development and testing of electronic services.

Tender applications are accepted until 30 September 2022 via the link:

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