Tender for legal support

Deadline: 22.11.2021

(please note that the deadline has been postponed!)

The International and Ibero-American Foundation for Administration and Public Policies (FIIAPP) announces a new tender for procurement of legal support services.

The subject of this assignment is to be in charge of providing legal support and drafting the necessary legal documents according to the Ukrainian legal framework and in accordance with the activities of the components of the EU4DigitalUA project in Ukraine and the activities that the MDT (Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine) approves to implement in the action plan.

Amongst the others, the tasks to be carried out are as follows:

  • Analysis of public and legal policies;
  • Providing legal advice;
  • Assistance in the drafting of official government documents (incl., but not limited to resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers, laws and regulations, ministerial orders);
  • Preparation of analytical reports with recommendations.

Discover more via the following link: https://contrataciondelestado.es/wps/poc?uri=deeplink:detalle_licitacion&idEvl=r3fIDe%2F6xkWmq21uxhbaVQ%3D%3D

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