The Ministry of Digital Transformation and the State Statistics Service have launched a website with job positions to implement the State Statistics Service reform. Due to this, it is possible to participate in the creation of a team that will be the driving force behind the changes (https://reform.stat.gov.ua/). This landing page is part of the communication strategy for the State Statistics Service reform, developed within the third component of EU4DigitalUA.
The State Statistics Service is the foundation for obtaining quality data. In order for the State Statistics Service to collect, analyse, and disseminate information in real-time, a reform has been initiated. With it, the state will abandon outdated Excel spreadsheets, PDF and Word documents in favour of new digital technologies. Furthermore, the reform holds significant importance for European integration. On August 16, 2022, the Verkhovna Rada adopted bill No. 5886 on official statistics, based on the framework regulation of the European Union. It is aimed at harmonising national statistics with the EU statistical system, thereby facilitating Ukraine’s further integration into the EU.
The European Union, through its flagship program EU4DigitalUA, supports digital change communications to engage and raise awareness among the population and businesses as to electronic services and digitalisation in Ukraine.
On September 27, 2024, the All-Ukrainian communication campaign “Together We Learn & Grow. The EU and Ukraine creating a common European future” was launched. It...
In a recent video message, Dmytro Lubinets, the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, expressed his gratitude to the EU4DigitalUA project and the FIIAPP team...