Modernisation of Unified State Demographic Register

Deadline: 26.01.2022

As a result of the procurement, the Unified State Demographic Register and the related information system of the Migration Service regarding the identification data of individuals will be modernised. A tool for the exchange of personal data between the information systems of the Migration Service and the Tax Service will be created. The Unified State Demographic Register and the Unified information and analytical system for the management of migration processes participate in the data exchange from the side of the Migration Service. The State Register of Individual Taxpayers participates in the data exchange from the side of the Tax Service.

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Implementation of ECDSA e-signature algorithms in Diia.Signature

Deadline: 09.08.2022

Estonia’s e-Governance Academy, within the EU4DigitalUA project funded by the European Union, announced a tender for the procurement of services for the implementation of ECDSA (Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm) electronic signature algorithms in the remote qualified electronic signature technology,...
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Modernisation of Single Inter-Institutional Information System for Admission of Foreign Applicants to Higher Education Institutions

Deadline: 22.09.2021

Procurement of services for the modernization of the Single Inter-Institutional Information System for the Admission of Foreign Applicants to Higher Education Institutions (Ukraine) More information:
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