Institutional strengthening and capacity development (FIIAPP)

Institutional strengthening of the main state authorities is the key to the development of electronic public services and the creation of new digital services in Ukraine. EU4DigitalUA, within the framework of Component 2, contributes to this process due to assistance in the development of the regulatory framework in the field of digitalization and its harmonization with EU regulatory documents, supporting the processes of Ukraine’s inclusion in the Digital Economy and Society Development Index (DESI), as well as projects such as “Informatics NewG, which aims at updating the computer science course in schools of Ukraine.

Legal Aspects of Digitalization in Public Administration

Project experts provide legal support to project recipients, analyzing existing policies and regulations and developing proposals for changes to legislation in the field of digital transformation, including during martial law.

In particular, project experts took part in the development of regulatory documents related to the spheres of public registers and backup of state information resources and systems, Diia, Trembita services etc.

During martial law, our experts participate in the development of changes to open data legislation to strengthen it according to the challenges caused by the war with Russia. This includes improving procedures for publishing data related to military threats and identifying important new data sets in the context of new processes such as humanitarian assistance, recovery assessment, etc.

Coordination and Strategic Approach Related to European Union

Our experts support the processes of Ukraine’s inclusion into The Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI), developing recommendations for state institutions and supporting the processes of Ukraine’s integration into the digital market of the European Union.
The establishment of the DESI ecosystem in Ukraine will help determine the dynamics and progress of digital development, comparing with the relevant indicators of digital development in the EU.

In addition, within the framework of the component, a web portal is being developed to ensure monitoring processes and visualization of the road map of Ukraine’s integration into the single digital market.

Digital Transformation in Ukrainian Ministries and State Institutions

Within the framework of the component, experts are implementing the “Informatics NewG” project, which involves updating the Informatics course in general educational institutions of Ukraine. “Informatics NewG” was created within the IT education reform at the initiative of the Ministry of Digital Transformation and the Ministry of Education and Science.

The piloting of new content and resources for the Informatics subject will begin on September 1, 2022. Before the beginning of each academic quarter, teachers of pilot institutions will participate in webinars and training. During piloting, there will be constant feedback and analysis of the effectiveness of new resources. After the improvement, the developed resources will be scaled to all general secondary education institutions on September 1, 2023 and will be freely available on the All-Ukrainian Online School platform.

Other areas of work

The component focuses on informing and raising awareness among the population and businesses regarding e-services in Ukraine. As part of the third component, project experts help the Ministry of Digital...

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Сomponent 5 is aimed at the further development of the ability to ensure the security of critical infrastructure objects and public electronic registers by conducting cyber exercises, organising monitoring of...

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The purpose of Component 4 is both to create an effective basis to form a system for the development of electronic public services and to directly support the development of...

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