Purchase of server equipment for the Unified State Demographic Register

The e-Governance Academy (Estonia) announces a tender to purchase server equipment for the State Migration Service of Ukraine. As part of the tender, the winner must supply four servers and related equipment that will ensure the effective and uninterrupted functioning...
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Procurement of equipment for development and testing of Diia portal and application services

The Estonian e-Governance Academy, within the framework of the DT4UA project funded by the European Union, has launched a tender for the purchase of hardware and smartphones for the State Enterprise Diia. This equipment should ensure high-quality testing of the...
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Consultancy services for the development of the Digital Competence Centre

Within the framework of the DT4UA project, the e-Governance Academy (Estonia) announces a tender for the provision of consultancy services on the development and updating of the knowledge base and guidelines on e-services, as well as support for IT tools...
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Development of software for the Unified Information and Analytical Migration Process Management System

Within the framework of the DT4UA project funded by the European Union, the e-Governance Academy (Estonia) announces a tender for software development for the State Migration Service of Ukraine. The winner will develop an electronic service that will verify the...
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Розробка модулів системи управління досудовими розслідуваннями «СМЕРЕКА» 

Дедлайн: 25.05.2023

У рамках проєкту DT4UA, який фінансується Європейським Союзом, Академія електронного управління (Естонія) оголосила тендер на створення модулів системи менеджменту розслідувань, ескалації, контролю та аналізу «СМЕРЕКА» для Офісу Генерального прокурора України.  Система менеджменту розслідувань, ескалації, контролю та аналізу «СМЕРЕКА» має інтегруватися...
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Platform for hosting tools for developing and testing electronic services

Deadline: 30.09.2022

Within the EU4DigitalUA project funded by the European Union, the e-Governance Academy (Estonia) announced a tender until 30 September 2022 to create a platform for hosting the tools for developing and testing electronic services. Acting in accordance with priority 2.1....
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Development of module to provide financial benefits to war veterans

Deadline: 19.09.2022

The e-Governance Academy (Estonia) within the framework of EU4DigitalUA announces a tender to develop a module for interaction with the Unified State Register of War Veterans (USRWV) concerning the provision of financial benefits to war veterans with disabilities of groups...
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Development of INSPIRE-based external interaction module of Unified State Register of Addresses

Deadline: 10.08.2022

Estonia’s e-Governance Academy, within the EU4DigitalUA project funded by the European Union, announced a tender for the procurement of services for the development of the INSPIRE-based external interaction module of the Unified State Register of Addresses. INSPIRE means "Infrastructure for...
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